The Art of Courageous Conversations

Event Details

The Art of Courageous Conversations

Event Details

The Art of Courageous Conversations
Online via Zoom
08 November 2022
11am – 11.50am


Why do managers often struggle with having difficult conversations? and why is it important to learn the insights, strategies and practices of having genuine and courageous conversations?

In this free webinar, Slayman will create the space for exploring these questions, learn from another, and share the 3 derailers of genuine and courageous conversations, and how your company can save thousands of dollars wasted in conflict avoidance and unproductive meetings.

If you are a professional, manager, or leader of people, register for this free event today.

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After surviving a civil war, being expelled from 3 high schools, and recovering from severe depression, Slayman knows that there are effective ways to enable people to not only survive but also thrive through complexity.

For the past 20 years, Slayman has been studying positive psychology, clinical psychology, corporate psychology and performance psychology, and conducting research into post-traumatic growth, leadership, and optimal performance.

Slayman creates a safe and empowered space for people to rediscover their strengths and feel reconnected to their values and purpose!

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