The Search for Happy

Happiness. The elusive goal of waking up in the morning with no worries in the world. You wake up and have your partner, maybe kids, and your home. You are happy. To many, this sounds like happiness. We all have a version of this vision, and we equate that with happiness. Problem: Life has to […]

Calmness Under Pressure

The world is changing faster than ever before. This has created an environment where staff are struggling with the changes, many are anxious and burning out, while others have disengaged. Our ability to lead and purposefully adapt is vital.  Right now with all the shifts in the way we connect and do business, now more […]

Mental Resilience: 3 Key Capabilities

How often have you been at work feeling stressed, and not performing or collaborating at your best? What do you tend to do in those situations? · Do you tend to work more and more and then find it hard to relax and unwind? · Or do you feel confused, lacking in direction and worried? · Or […]

Do you know someone who gets held back by fear?

A couple of weeks ago I was listening to my son’s Aikido teacher in the Dojo teaching the students about fear. What he said was so powerful that I needed to share it. As the students were facing a scary simulated attack by the instructor, I observed them flinching from fear. He then showed them […]

How to thrive when working from home

The worldwide outbreak of the Coronavirus has clearly caused a lot of change and distress. It is difficult to know where to start with events of this nature. They range from stressful to truly tragic. It can genuinely be hard to know what to do when things like this happen. With things as they are, it can […]

Knowing your Personality

Your Personality: Mapping out the 5 parts of you Your personality traits are influenced by a broad range of factors. These traits are generally stable over time and are determined in part by your biology, in part by your environment, and by the interaction of the two.  Let’s discuss each one in turn, through the […]